Improving the reproductive success of Barn Swallows and House Martins in the Messolonghi – Aitoliko National Park
Βελτιώνοντας την αναπαραγωγική επιτυχία του Σταβλοχελίδονου και του Σπιτοχελίδονου στο Εθνικό Πάρκο Λιμνοθαλασσών Μεσολογγίου – Αιτωλικού
The action «Improvement of the reproductive success of Hirundo Rustica, Delichon urbicum and the conditions of coexistence with humans» of the Management Body of Messolonghi Lagoon- Akarnanika Mountains is carried out within the framework of the Operational Programme “Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development 2014-2020”, after the inclusion of both species of swallows in the species that need direct management in the area of jurisdiction of the Body Management.
For the pilot program of monitoring of their artificial nests by the Body Management, a colonial nesting type was created, with 6 wooden nests and was placed in the courtyard of Body Management of Mesolonghi Lagoon– Akarnanika Mountains in Aitoliko.
A further 10 individual wooden nesting platforms were built to attract barn swallows and 10 individual nests of house martins. The nests were placed in elementary schools, in the camp and elsewhere.
An additional objective of the action to improve the reproductive success of Barn swallows and house martins in the area of the National Park of Messolonghi – Aitoliko lagoons is to raise public awareness.
To this end, the FDLM-AO has included in the action a pilot programme for the monitoring of natural nests by volunteers in order to familiarise people with swallows through the monitoring and observation of natural nests.
Citizens who voluntarily monitor the nests on their properties or in their wider area have the opportunity through the action website to record their comments in special monitoring forms and then make them available online.
The information collected through this research will be used to better understand the 2 species whose population has begun to decline in the region. Reports on nesting activity tell us where and when reproduction occurs and whether it is successful (number of chicks) and help determine which factors may contribute to the decline of their population in one area.
Through this process, we believe that volunteers will make a significant contribution to reducing the destruction of the nests of barn swallows and house martins by humans and thus to increasing their population.
To find out how to post a nest on the map click here.
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